Saturday, April 12, 2014

Use Soap or Not : On Face

The first step to a healthy skin is proper cleansing. The skin on your face is more sensitive than the rest of your body skin, and soaps that work fine for your body can dry or irritate your facial skin.

Do you know: Our skin has a normal balanced pH level of 5.0-5.6, which is between acidic and close to Neutral. So for the person, who belonged to oily skin, their pH level would be 5.7-6.5  and a hand soap pH level would be approximately 8-10.0, a strong alkaline.

In actual when the pH scale shows 7, it is neutral. Anything below that is acidic and above it is alkaline.
So, if you use soap on your skin, it messes with its pH balance and acidic nature and worsen skin with effects.

Another fact is: Washing your face with the wrong kind of products can leave your skin dull, haggard and wrinkled. Even though it’s by using soap or face wash or cleansing material. When you use a face wash suited for your skin type, you can be sure that it contains ingredients that suits your skin and do not make them more badly.

I am not saying soap are really bad for facial skin but any product you use, just double check with the ingredients and their ph balance and use according to your skin type. Choose the one that's best for your skin.

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